With the right people, anything is possible. Our small team at Kyoto Trove is highly specialized and each member brings a unique set of values to our clientele. Our specialty is finding the right one-of-a-kind materials for our clients, from aged doors to entire buildings.
Our chief architect is Dr. Takumi Osawa, who has more than 40 years experience in antique building techniques, and has written the book on traditional restoration and repurposing.
Brent Potter
Founder and Architectural Consultant
Born and raised in Japan, Mr. Potter is a graduate of the Japan School of Traditional Architecture Restoration (日本古民家再生協会の古民家の学校), led by chief architect Dr. Osawa. During this program, he learned about the history and techniques of traditional building restoration and the unique opportunities that Japan’s deep architectural inheritance could offer on the world. Mr. Potter then teamed up with Mr. Osawa to start Kyoto Trove, dedicated to matching traditional buildings and materials with clients wanting to tap into Japan’s legacy of fine craftsmanship. As an avid enthusiast and student of traditional architecture, Mr. Potter is passionately interested in rethinking, restoring, and repurposing the traditional craft architecture from rural Japan and helping it reach a new audience.
Takumi Osawa
Chief Architect
Chief Architect Takumi Osawa is Japan’s leading Minka expert. He literally wrote the book on antique building restoration and repurposing, and brings more than 40 years of experience to the table. A few of Dr. Osawa’s personal accomplishments include:
Publishing three books and producing one full-length video about traditional building restoration. Authoring the “how-to” for skilled craftsmen on restoring antique buildings.
Founding the Japan Minka Revival Association (JMRA) in 1997, the JMRA Trust, and the JMRA School. Graduating thousands of members, these institutions have created a priceless network of restorers, and raised the profile of Japan’s architectural inheritance internationally.
Designing and managing the re-builds of 14 high-end, renovated restored buildings.
Designing and managing the builds of six new homes with designs inspired by traditional building styles
Designing and managing the restoration of one cultural heritage museum and two traditional store-fronts
Zoe Su
SE Asia Consultant
Ms. Su grew up between Taiwan and New Zealand and speaks three languages fluently. Ms. Su leads the Chinese-language consultancy within Kyoto Trove, and lends her artistic eye to conferring and translating for our Chinese-speaking clientele.